BlogFriday, March 30 2018
Many people used to equate pawn shops with creepy, scary places, but nothing could be farther from the truth about them today. At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we provide customers with a wide range of purchasing and loaning options right here in our store. The sales associates are friendly and the environment is safe and clean. Our team can help you find exactly what you need in our store and tell you all you need to know about how pawnshops work. Pawn shops are highly regulated. By federal statutes and regulations. There are also numerous state laws that help ensure pawn shops are safe, enjoyable places to shop, regardless of their location. Mot pawn shops are clean, orderly places to shop, making them great options for people who want to discover great items at reduced prices. You can always check with the Better Business Bureau or the NPA website to find out more about a particular pawn shop. If your purpose for visiting a pawn shop is to secure a loan, then you’re probably in luck. Most pawn shops offer collateral-based loans. This means that the loan is secured by an object of value. Most shops ask that you bring in something of value and if the pawn shop owner is interested, he’ll offer you the loan. Your item is kept at the shop until you pay back the loan. Most of the time, the loan is a fraction of what the object is worth. Repaying a loan from a pawn shop is simple. Just return to pay the balance when you’ve reached the deadline and be sure to cover all fees. The total amount is usually due between one and four months after the initial agreement was made. If you don’t return for some reason, the pawn shop is likely to hold your item for good. You won’t receive any collection fees and you won’t get an adverse credit rating, but you probably won’t be able to get your personal belongings back, either. Wednesday, March 14 2018
Are you getting excited for the start of spring? Now is the perfect time to get rid of any unwanted or unused items that are just collecting dust at home. Cash Express of Philadelphia is always ready to take a look at whatever items you want to bring in to our shop. We provide convenient hours and a great location so that you can find exactly what you need for either yourself or for a loved one. Cash Express is Philadelphia’s number one pawn shop and we’re excited to hand out cash on the spot for those electronics and power tools that you just don’t want anymore. We also take jewelry. As soon as you’re ready to go through those closets and have a look, Cash Express is ready. We provide Philadelphia customers with a huge variety of goods that can’t be found elsewhere. Spring is a great time to get rid of anything that clutters your space. Cash Express is always excited to help people clear their homes with anything that they no longer have use for so that someone else can have a chance to enjoy them. We work hard to bring a wide variety of items to our shop so that there’s always something interesting to see. If you’ve never been inside a pawn shop, then now is the perfect time to check out Cash Express of Philadelphia. Our store associates are courteous and helpful because we make customer satisfaction a priority in everything that we do. If you have questions about a particular item, someone is always available to explain the details. This spring, get a jump start on your cleaning and come check out Cash Express. We’ll help you unload those electronics, power tools and jewelry pieces so that you can clear the way for a refreshing spring season.
Monday, February 26 2018
So, the holidays are over and now you’re wondering what to do with a few of those unwanted gifts. We’ve all been there. Even when we don’t want to admit it, we sometimes end up with a few presents that we really just don’t need or even ones that we don’t even want at all. At Cash Express, we can help you get rid of those unwanted gifts with just a quick visit to our shop. Cash Express is one of the lead pawn shops in all of Philadelphia. We stock a full supply of electronics, jewelry and gold to provide our shoppers with an excellent experience. If you’ve never stepped inside a pawn shop, now might be the perfect time to do so. Cash Express is always accepting items from people who want to make a little extra room in their homes. In addition, Cash Express also provides quick cash loans for those times when money is just a little too tight. If you have a few unwanted gifts that are just collecting dust inside your home, then now might be the time to pay a visit to Cash Express. We’ll give you an honest opinion about the worth of whatever you have and then let you know how much we could sell it for inside our shop. Instead of letting unwanted gifts just sit inside your living room collecting dust, why not drop them off at Cash Express? We are always ready to offer assistance to customers who want to unload a few items that are either unwanted or unnecessary. Cash Express is the lead pawnshop in convenient downtown Philadelphia. If you want to find out more about what we carry inside our shop, simply stop in and have a look around. Our store associates will do whatever they can to ensure that you have a satisfying shopping experience. Wednesday, February 14 2018
Pawn shops haven’t always had the greatest reputation. Most of us have seen them portrayed in the movies as dangerous places harboring shady characters. Yet the times have changed and people nowadays have discovered that pawn shops aren’t such bad places, after all. In fact, pawn shops are now featured in television shows as great places to get bargains as well as short-term loans. At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we’ve got 5 myths about pawn shops that have finally been debunked.
Sunday, January 28 2018
With the holiday season in full swing, there’s no better time to trade in your unwanted items for cash. Even when Christmas is over, shoppers can still find what they need for those winter birthdays. At Cash Express, we take pride in offering a shopping experience unlike any other in Philadelphia. Our pawn shop is located right in the heart of Philadelphia and provides shoppers with a full selection of both used and new goods for sale.
Sunday, January 14 2018
Are you looking for a few last-minute holiday shopping ideas? At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we’ve got a huge inventory of jewelry, diamonds, watches, electronics and more. Take a few minutes to browse at Cash Express and find those special gifts that you’ve been looking for all season long. At Cash Express, we also specialize in antiques, so stop in and find out what we’ve got to satisfy everyone on your holiday gift list. Shopping in department stores can get expensive and crowded. There are tons of holiday shoppers seeking the right gift to buy for friends and loved ones. If you want to avoid the holiday crowds and have fun, too, then stop by Cash Express. At Cash Express, we give you a reason to leave the traditional shopping mall stores and try something different, instead. All of our inventory is hand-picked so that we can provide the best variety in the entire city of Philadelphia. If you need to buy a Valentine's Day gift, we can help you find something great at Cash Express. The holiday shopping season can get hectic and sometimes you need to find a gift just in time for a party or for another event. At Cash Express, we can help you find a gift that is sure to make someone smile. Our huge inventory of jewelry, diamonds, watches, electronics and antiques makes for a unique shopping experience. Stop by Cash Express and find out what we can do to help you secure the perfect gift this winter. When you shop at Cash Express, you know that you’re getting the best value for whatever you purchase. We sell a large supply of items that are still new in the box, so stop in and find out why we’re the leading pawn shop in the Philadelphia area. At Cash Express, you can get some great deals on many of the items that are on our shelves. This holiday season, don’t miss out on the best Valentine's gifts around. Stop by Cash Express and find out how we can help you find the perfect present this holiday season.
Thursday, December 21 2017
You can already probably tell that the holiday season is in full swing. If you are preparing your holiday shopping list, make sure to include Cash Express for your purchases. At Cash Express, we supply the Philadelphia area with a huge selection of items for a wide variety of needs. We carry a full selection of tools and electronics for all budgets, so stop in today and cross those special gifts off your list. At Cash Express, we always provide our customers with the highest quality items that they need to complete their seasonal shopping.
Thursday, December 14 2017
Are you on the search for your dream watch? Maybe you’ve had your current timepiece for several years and you want to make an upgrade. At Cash Express, we can help you find a timepiece that works great for both your budget and your style. Our pawn shop is conveniently located in the heart of Philadelphia and we serve customers who need to find that special watch or accessory when they need it. Stop in to Cash Express of Philadelphia and find out why we’re the leading pawn shop in the Camden and Philadelphia area. Tuesday, November 28 2017
Have you been wondering what the attraction is to pawn shops? Many people associate pawn shops with dirty, dingy places situated in rough parts of town. Yet nowadays, pawn shops can be found all over the place, even nestled in suburban neighborhoods. At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we offer convenient a convenient city location and we also provide flexible hours of operation. If you’ve never been inside a pawn shop and you’re interested in having a look around, then stop in to find out why pawn shops are convenient places to shop. Many people end up inside a pawn shop because they’ve been hit with some kind of unexpected bill or some kind of emergency expense. If you happen to hit a tough period and you need to find a quick source for cash, then a pawn shop like Cash Express is an excellent option. Pawn shops are known for providing quick loans when people need them because they don’t require as much upfront paperwork like a bank requires. A pawnshop is there to provide quick cash when you need it the most. Pawn shops like Cash Express of Philadelphia are also convenient because they offer the opportunity to buy something at a price that is far below wholesale pricing. For example, if you work in construction and recently lost a power drill, you can expect to pay about three-hundred dollars for a brand-new drill. Yet if you stop in and browse at a pawn shop, you might find a drill for as low as one hundred dollars. For unbeatable prices on items that you need to have for work or for personal use, pawn shops can’t be beat. Most people know that jewelry stores are expensive. A pawn shop like Cash Express, on the other hand, will save you tons of money because we carry all kinds of jewelry and we’re always happy to sell it for the right price. If you’re looking for a convenient shopping experience and a simple way to buy goods for less, then stop in to Cash Express and find out what we have in stock. Tuesday, November 14 2017
Are you looking for a place to sell your unwanted jewelry? Maybe you’ve already tried eBay and didn’t have much luck. Sometimes it can be difficult finding the right place to accept unwanted jewelry, even if it’s beautiful. At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we can help. Our pawn shop is known for its excellent variety of inventory and for its convenient location to downtown Philadelphia. Cash Express also provides excellent customer service and is always ready to help out a customer who needs assistance. If you’re looking for a pawn shop that will take your unwanted jewelry then stop by Cash Express of Philadelphia. We can help you determine how much your piece is worth and we will give you an honest process for the exchange. Many customers like to do some of their own research before coming to us so that they have an idea as to how much their piece is valued on the market today. If you have gold, silver, or platinum you can bring it to us and we’ll take a look. Each of the sales associates at Cash Express works hard to provide professional and efficient service. If you want to find a quick exchange for your unwanted pieces, then stop in to Cash Express and we can take a look. Many people find that they are pleasantly surprised with how much they can receive for quality pawned pieces, so it’s always worth coming in and chatting with someone from our team. The next time you want to pawn your unwanted jewelry, stop in to Cash Express and we can help you determine how much your items are worth. Cash Express of Philadelphia is located right in Philadelphia so we offer easy access for those living in the city or in the surrounding area. Our professional associates are always ready to offer help when it comes to helping you get rid of your unwanted jewelry, so stop in today and find out how much your pieces are worth. Our shop is clean and comfortable, so you’re guaranteed a satisfactory experience when you come in. At Cash Express, customer service is our top priority. |