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Wednesday, April 20 2022
Why Buy a Designer Handbag from a Pawn Shop?

When is a purse not just a purse? When it’s a designer handbag. For some, a designer handbag is a mark of luxury and a sign that you’ve “made it” in your life goals. Unfortunately, designer handbags come at a steep price and even if you’ve met your financial or career goals, you might not want to spend the money for one. Or maybe you’re still working on those goals and hoping to dress for success. Either way, here are some reasons you should consider getting your designer handbag at a pawnshop.


They’re More Affordable

It should go without saying, but you can save 50% or more on a designer handbag from a pawn shop. While the handbags are used, most are in excellent condition – after all, the pawnshop only wants to buy handbags they know they can sell. If you take the time to examine the bags available in your local pawn shop, you are sure to find a beautiful luxury purse at huge savings.

You Can Find Hard-to-Find Designer Handbags

Because people will often choose older items they don’t use to pawn or sell to a pawn shop, you may find handbags that you just won’t find anymore. This can include designs that you can’t find in stores anymore. Pawnshops can be treasure-troves for hard-to-find items, especially handbags, as people will sometimes pawn items left to them by loved ones.


You Can Find Handbags from Previous Seasons

Have you ever seen a handbag that you really liked and decided to wait until you have the money, only for it to be gone a couple of months later? Like all fashion, handbags often follow the seasons for their styles and trends. If you want a designer handbag, but aren’t happy with the current selection, check out your local pawn shop. You may find an older designer bag in the style you prefer.


You Can Also Save Money on Current Trends

Have you ever bought something, used it once, and realized that you won’t need it again? This happens more often than people realize, and pawn shops are an excellent solution. You can take that item you aren’t going to use and get some of your money back for it.


Consider that people do this with handbags all the time. Just as you can find older designer handbags at pawnshops, just as often you can find newer designs as well. So, stop into your local pawnshop and browse their selections. You might find that designer bag you saw at the department store at a much lower price.


Are you looking for a designer handbag? Do you need a loan for an emergency? Do you just want some extra cash? Contact us today. We’re here, serving Philadelphia and surrounding areas.


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Cash Express  • Philadelphia Pawn Shop

731 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106 -  (215) 922-1560